Crochet accident!!! Ouch

In the recent weeks I have been very busy working on 3 shawls at the same time!! I know you are are thinking why can’t I just finish one then move to the next?!?
Well it’s addictive and every time I see a new pattern I wanna try it straight away! I switch between them each day...! When the colour change starts it is so lovely to see how they start merging into the new colour... these wool cakes are so much fun!!
But in the last few days I must have overdone it a teeny bit as I seem to have done too many stitches and my arm is hurting... So much so that I cannot actually do anymore crochet for a few days. I’m sitting here typing this and thinking I really would like to carry on with one of them but I think it’s best if I take some rest 😱😆
I will be back with an update soon!!